quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2019

My First, to my pumpkin

I might not be next you now,
but my thoughts are
I don't even know how you are, or how you look like,(in the moment i'm writing this)
but I already love you with all my heart
You are my eternal love,
I might not hold you now,
but I'm and always be here for you even if far away
I know sometimes life can be difficult
and sometimes we don't understand life or how things happens
but we always have to be positive toward ourselves
I don't know when you will read this little poem
probably you will be very tall and smart already to understand
All I do, is for you

My life is yours, my love is yours,
we all need love
So remember, even if your are angry, sad or lost,
I am here, and I know how you fell,
I'd being there

Kisses my pumpkin...

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